Cognition Medical's team is a mosaic of talented individuals, experts in engineering, biology, medicine, interventional medicine, regulatory, business and marketing that come together to develop cutting-edge interventional medical devices and are committed to advancing and improving healthcare.

Chief Executive Officer, Board Member
Alex founded Cognition Medical while completing his PhD, which focused on the study of celluar events leading to heart attack in the Laboratory of Professor Elazer R. Edelman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brigham and Women Hospital, Harvard Medical School). His expertise spans Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Vascular Biology. Alex received a PhD in Materials Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an MS and BS in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science from A&M Paris Institute of Technology.

Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Turjman is the Chief of Internventional Neuroradiology and the Director of the Stroke Center at Pierre Wertheimer Hospital in Lyon, France and is Professor of Medicine at the University of Lyon, France. Dr. Turjman has pionneered several minimally-invasive techniques and is widely recognized as a leading expert and key opinion leader in the field of Interventional Neuroradiology. Dr. Turjman is the President-elect of the European Society of Minimally-Invasive Therapy (ESMINT) congress and also serves as the Chairman for Research Committee of ESMINT. He was directing the Data and Safety Monitoring Board for the SWIFT PRIME stroke trial.
Clinical Advisors

Lead Scientific Advisor
Dr. Levy is the Chairman of Neurological Surgery and Professor of Neurosurgery and Radiology at State Unviersity of New York at Buffalo. He is the Director of Stroke Research, the Co-Director of Kaleida Health Stroke Center and Cerebrovascular Surgery, and the Director of Endovascular Stroke Treatment & Research. Dr. Levy is a a leader and pionneer, who has guided the development of a majority of all novel neurovascular technology introduced on the market in the past 10 years. He was the North American PI for the SWIFT PRIME stroke trial.

Scientific Advisor
Elazer R. Edelman, is the Thomas D. and Virginia W. Cabot Professor of Health Sciences and Technology at MIT, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Senior Attending Physician in the coronary care unit at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. He and his laboratory have pioneered basic findings in vascular biology and the development and assessment of biotechnology including drug eluting stents. Dr. Edelman directs the Harvard-MIT Biomedical Engineering Center (BMEC), dedicated to applying the rigors of the physical sciences to elucidate fundamental biologic processes and mechanisms of disease.
Other Advisors

Business Strategy Advisor
Bob Mellen has over 25 years of Medical Device Industry experience including 15 years in marketing and general management and 10 years leading Bard's Corporate Strategy and Business Development. He has delivered consistent double digit growth as President of a $200M device business and added over $800M in revenue growth over 10 years of Business Development leadership. Mr. Mellen is currently a Venture Partner at Aphelion Capital and he is providing independent advisory and consulting support to Medical Device companies and Private Equity and Venture Capital firms.

Scientific and Regulatory Advisor
Kate Stohlman is a a medical device executive with experience in clinical, regulatory, quality control and operations management. Kate serves as Vice President, Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs at Corvia Medical. She is also a scientific advisor to several early-stage medical companies and has occupied key quality and regulatory roles in various medical industries. Mrs. Stohlman served as COO for Thermedical, which developed ablation systems to treat cancer and cardiac arrhythmia. She was Vice President of Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs for Viacor, Inc., a venture-funded structural heart repair medical device company. Mrs. was employed by Hewlett-Packard Company’s Medical Group for 20 years in cardiac ultrasound transducer operations management. She received her S.B. in Materials Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and an MBA degree from Harvard Business School. Mrs. Stohlman holds RAPS certification for Europe.
Legal Counsel

Corporate Counsel
Casey McGlynn is a Partner at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati. In 1990, he formed the Life Sciences Group at WSGR, a nationally recognized leader in the representation of startup and emerging growth companies in the life sciences field. Mr. McGlynn has one of the largest practices in the country focused on Medtech, Mobile Health and Biotech companies. He has been a pivotal advisor to Cognition Medical for all their corporate decisions and strategic orientations. Mr. McGlynn has advised numerous neurovascular companies and concluded several transactions in stroke devices.